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Videos That Have Inspired Me
Through My Natural Journey

Lock it Up!

"Happy Birthday" is the first video that inspired me to be interested in changing my fro into locks.
Originally, when I first thought of locks I thought "Yuck. Their dirty, and dry, and itchy looking... there is no way that I could look beautiful in those."
A friend of mine showed me this video and my perception of locks changed. Now, two years later, I love my locks and "rock them out" quiet well. I get so many compliments about starting locks for other people. Before I convert anyone interested in locking their hair. I point them over to this video first.
So here it is, enjoy!

Tyra Banks Talk Show Subject: "What is Good Hair?"

This is Part One from the talk show, hosted by Tyra Banks about Good hair. To be personally honest. I feel that this presentation came off a bit "phony". She wore cornrows to further em phase "today's subject" and the mentioning of "white people" working on her show not understanding the issue.

Quite frantically  believe it or not, people of all races have "good hair" and "bad hair" issues. I am not just referring to how a person may wake up one day and realize that their having a "bad hair day". I mean, that the reality is that no matter what race you are in it unfortunately sucks not being "perfect."

It's true that the controversial discussion of "Good Hair vs Bad Hair" is more prevalent in the African descendant communities, but I personally think that it is nice to know that we ALL face the challenge of conquering perfection, when the reality is... you are perfect just as you are.

Anyways, for personal interest, here is Tyra Bank's video, enjoy.

Curl Formers on natural hair

Yep! Been there and have done this. For those who don't know about curl formers, they are these plastic curl rollers, that press your hair together to provide you with the lovely look of ringlets.

"CURL FORMERS" are great... expensive, but great! Why are they great, because they don't put heat on your hair. 

Too much heat on hair = broken and damage hair. The solution is simple: don't put heat on your hair. 

I have thrown out (or donated) my old curling irons, hair dryers, etc. And my hair has been strong and healthy. So yes. Stylist and healthy for your hair.

Here's a great instruction video, breaking down the "Curl Former" technique.
Go For It!

Maintaining that Cute Nap Look

Here's a good video on decent maintenance to keep up the tight curl nappy hair look. Great tutorial:

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