Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Painted Faces (part 2)

Have you caught your breathe, from the last part of this article? Good, cause it gets worse...

3. I found these definitions of ingredients from "Caring Consumer.com" These ones are IMPORTANT to know because they usually show up in everyday products...

  • Cetyl Alcohol (Basically Sperm from a Sperm Whale or Dolphin) ~ you can find this in some face products and more!
  • Elastin ~ Protein found in the neck ligaments and aortas of cows
  • Estrogen ~ Female hormones from the urine of pregnant mares
  • Gelatin ~ Protein obtained by boiling skin, tendons, ligaments, and/or bones with water. From cows and pigs
  • Glycerin ~ usually comes from animal fat
  • Insulin ~ usually comes from the pancreas of hogs.
  • Keratin ~ Protein from the ground-up horns, hooves, feathers, quills, and hair of various animals

There's "... confusion over whether or not an ingredient is of animal origin is the fact that many companies have removed the word animal from their ingredient labels to avoid putting off consumers.

For example, rather than use the term hydrolyzed animal protein, companies may use another term such as hydrolyzed collagen. Simple for them, but frustrating for the caring consumer...

Animal ingredients are used not because they are better than vegetable-derived or synthetic ingredients but rather because they are generally cheaper... Rendering plants process the bodies of millions of tons of dead animals every year, transforming decaying flesh and bones into profitable animal ingredients. The primary source of rendered animals is slaughterhouses, which provide the "inedible" parts of all animals killed for food. The bodies of companion animals who are euthanized in animal shelters wind up at rendering plants, too. One small plant in Quebec renders 10 tons of dogs and cats a week, a sobering reminder of the horrible dog and cat overpopulation problem with which shelters must cope... Thousands of products on store shelves have labels that are hard to decipher. It's nearly impossible to be perfectly vegan, but it's getting easier to avoid products with animal ingredients. "

~ quoted from www.caringconsumer.com

To Conclude:

There ARE products out there in the market that are vegetable-derived or synthetic- derived (if you want to go this route) products. Go to your usual store and check out the cosmetic sections. Look at the ingredient lists on the back of the containers and take note of all the ones you CAN'T understand. Then,


This makes you realize that the manufacturer isn't always honest. And that you can't always trust what someone is trying to sell you. Educating yourself on what you place onto your body is truly the GREATEST policy.

If you have a strong stomach and still want to search even deeper into this subject, check out

for there own reports on the subject...


Nadienne said...

Spermaceti is a solid wax obtained from the head of the sperm whale.

Not whale's sperm.

Unknown said...

Thanks for letting me know, sorry if I posted anything you feel is incorrect.

However, there are various products that do use body fluids from animal carcasses to give botanical results.

Seminal Fluid has been reported for being used in common cosmetics due to the high concentration of protein and enzymes. BBC News covered a report about the issue, of using seminal fluids from Sperm Whales, back in 2001. Though the report is 9 years old, the substance can still be found in various cosmetics we use today.